it is. limitless


Thought of today.

The best words I was told last year was:
“So many people walking around saying “it shouldn’t be like this.” But if it shouldn’t be like this it wouldn’t be like this and now it is like this.”

Easy to say you might think for someone who has an easy life. But for me hearing it from someone who just then went through a tragedy and who really haven’t had an easy life” made the sound of the words even stronger.
And I’m really taking these words with me as a gift.

Because maybe the even first step to reach happiness must be to let go of the thought “it shouldn’t be like this”
I’m not talking about happiness as walking around singing and laughing, I mean happiness as feeling satisfied in general and not unhappy.
Accepting what is as it is, is the way to create whatever you want.
Thinking “it shouldn’t be like this”
looses the power to create something or to reach any goal.
Trying to jump a certain hight by thinking “I should have been taller” limits the brains creativity because you create a picture that tells you something is wrong. And there are lots of them, “if he just shouldn’t”  or “she should just have, then I wouldn’t”…

Accepting what is, what I have, what I am gives us the possibility to create anything possible.
If it is – then what can it be.
If I have – then what do I need.
If I am – then who do I want to be.
Not saying it’s easy, but I’m really trying to practice these words.
When it just is the way it is. Then I can stand with both feet on a more steady ground.
Focussing on the next step instead of the steps “I should already have taken”.

Wether I like it or not, but with accepting what is, I’m ready to move on.
Limitless, towards…  Anywhere.

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